Manuscripts of Alahazrat’s books that are available in digital format can be found on this page both in the master’s own hand and the hand of other copyists.
Al-Dawlatu'l Makkiyah (Copy)
This is in the hand of Shaykh Husayn ibn Shaykh Abdul Qadir Tarabulsi al-Madani wth original marginalia in Alahazrat’s Hand.
Kanzu'l Iman
This is the original manuscript of Kanz in the hand of Sadru’sh Shariah, Mawlana Amjad Ali Aazami.
Fatawa al-Haramayn
This is the manuscript of Fatawa al-Haramayn present in King Saud University.
Ijazah by Alahazrat
This is in the thabat of Shaykh Abdu’l Rahman al-Fasi; Sanad in Alahazrat’s own hand and his original seal.
Hashiyah Fawatih al-Rahmut
Marginalia on Fawatih al-Rahmut in scribe’s hand; nearly 460 pages.
Ijazah to Hasan al-Ujaymi
This manuscript is found in KSU. Alahazrat’s stamp is also found on the last page.
These manuscripts were obtained from where the cache was dumped as one folder of 150+ manuscripts. I have examined each manuscript and categorised MSs as those in Alahazrat’s own hand and those of copyists. Furthermore, I have sorted the below manuscripts according to topics for easier reference. Duplicates in the original cache have been removed.
1. Qur’an (4)
2. Hadith Works (26)
3. Fiqh (37)
4. Sirah, Biographies, Rijaal, Tasawwuf (12)
5. Kalam (10)
6. Ma’qulat – Trigonometry, Astronomy, etc (20)
7. Miscellaneous (6)
Minah al-Fikriyyah
Gloss on Imam Ali al-Qari’s Al-Minah al-Fikriyyah
commentary on Al-Jazary’s Muqaddimah in Tajwid
No.of Pages:
Hashiyah on Musnad Imam A'azam (second)
This is a second gloss on Imam A’azam’s Musnad
No. of Pages:
Hashiyah Musnad Abdullah ibn Ahmad
Gloss on the Musnad of Imam Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Hashiyah Umdatu'l Qari
Gloss on Imam Ayni’s Umdatu’l Qari, commentary of Sahih Bukhari
No.of Pages:
Hashiyah Fat'h al-Bari
Gloss on Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani’s Fat’h al-Bari, the most famous commentary on Sahih Bukhari.
No. of Pages:
Hashiyah Irshad al-Sari
Alahazrat’s gloss on another famous commentary on Sahih Bukhari by Imam Qastallani named: Irshad al-Sari
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Hashiyah Nasb al-Rayah
Marginalia on Nasb al-Rayah of Al-Zaylayi (reference for hadith mentioned in Al-Hidayah)
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Hashiyah on Kanz al-Ummal
This is a gloss on Imam Muttaqi al-Hindi’s hadith compilation of hadith: Kanz al-Ummal
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