Barakāt al-Imdād li Ahl al-Istimdād The Blessing of Aid for Those Who Seek Aid The opening chapter of the Qur’ān teaches us to supplicate: “We seek help only from Thee.” Therefore, is it not wrong to ask awliyā’a or prophets for help? Wahābīs cite this verse and claim that seeking help from anyone else is polytheism. In another verse: “Verily, I have turned my face only towards Him..” and claim that calling ...
Read MoreJalī al-Naşş fī Amākin al-Rukhaş Clear Textual Evidence Concerning Situations for Exemption (from Legal Restrictions) Certain prohibited things become permissible at certain times and in certain conditions; this does not mean that every prohibited thing becomes permissible at some time or the other, nor does it mean that in every situation, there can be found an excuse or another for an exemption. So, what are the general guidelines concerning exemptions? This ...
Read MoreAl-Şāfiyah al-Mūĥiyah li-Ĥukmi Julūd al-Uđĥiyah Lucid Inspiration Concerning Hides of Sacrificed Animals Is it permissible to sell the hide of sacrificed animals? Or is it necessary to give it away in charity? Is it permissible to sell the rope and stick used to tie the animal or should it be given as alms? Alahazrat explains in detail that jurists prohibited selling sacrifical hides for mere financial gain, without any intention to benefit oneself ...
Read MoreAl-Kawkabah al-Shihābiyyah fī Kufriyyāti Ab al-Wahābiyyah The Thundering Fireball: Upon the Heresies of the Father of Wahabism The seed of Wahābī heresy in India was planted by Ismāýīl Dihlawī. Even though Deobandīs pretend that they have nothing to do with Wahābīs, their elders were great admirers of Ismāýīl (who was slain by upright Muslims in Balakot – but Deobandī/Wahābī followers colour it as a martyrdom) and his books Taqwiyatu’l Īmān, Yīđāĥ al-Ĥaqq, ...
Read MoreQama’a al-Mubīn li Āmāl al-Mukadh’dhibīn A Resounding Blow to Dash the Hopes of Beliers Thirty years later, in the year 1338, he wrote a follow-up to his Sub’ĥān as-Subbūĥ, in which he refuted some more deceptions of the Falsifiers; unfortunately, this monograph is found incomplete; and even in its incomplete form this is the final nail in the coffin of the Falsifiers – the kadh’dhabiyyah sect. No. of. Pages: 61 Order in ...
Read MoreSub’ĥān as-Subbūĥ án Áybi Kadhibin Maqbūĥ Glorification of the Sanctified from an Odious Flaw like Falsehood A masterpiece of kalām refuting the absurd belief that falsehood is included in the Divine Power of Allāh táālā. This was originally a Mútazilī belief which was buried with the Mútazilah long ago; it was revived in the subcontinent by Ismāýīl Dihlawi and promoted by his followers – the elders of the Deobandī school. Khalil ...
Read MoreKifl al-Faqīh al-Fāhim fī Aĥkāmi Qirţās al-Darāhim Sufficient Provision for the Intelligent Jurist Concerning Currency Notes During his second Ĥajj, two scholars of Makkah, Shaykh Ábdullāh Mīrdād and Shaykh Ĥāmid Jaddāwī posed ten questions concerning currency notes, which Alahazrat answered in less than two days. Shaykh Ábdullāh Şiddīq, the Chief Mufti of Ĥanafīs in Makkah found this book in the ĥaram library soon after it was written and began reading it ...
Read MoreAl-Fađl al-Mawhibī fī Máana: idhā şaĥĥa’l ĥadīthu fa huwa madh’habī The Bestowed Grace in the saying: “The şaĥīĥ ĥadīth is my madh’hab” Someone asked whether in a particular issue one can contradict the Ĥanafī madh’hab – for example, raf’á yadayn or praying qunūţ with a single jalsah, with the rationale that it is acting upon a şaĥīĥ ĥadīth; and he quotes Ĥanafī texts which report a saying attributed to Imām Aáżam: ...
Read MoreTajallī al-Yaqīn bi anna Nabiyyanā Sayyid al-Mursalīn Radiance of Faith that our Prophet ﷺ is the Leige-Lord of all Messengers Someone wrote to Alahazrat that the Wahābīs had begun denying that RasūlAllāh ﷺ is the leader of all messengers and prophets, challenging Muslims to prove it from the Qur’ān and Sunnah. Alahazrat wrote this book with evidence from the Qur’ān and ĥadīth, which, apart from being a comprehensive answer is also a ...
Read MoreDhayl al-Muddáā li Aĥsan al-Wiáā li Ādāb ad-Duáā A Desirable Supplement for: The Beautiful Receptacle on the Etiquette of Prayer Mawlānā Naqī Álī Khān (Alahazrat's father) has written a book on supplication, the etiquette and essence of prayer and causes for prayers to be accepted or rejected titled Aĥsanu’l Wiáā. Alahazrat wrote a commentary on this book and has mentioned some insights that are not even found in classic duáā manuals like ...
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