Lumátu'd Đuĥā fī Iýfā’a al-Liĥā The Radiance at Mid-Noon: On Sparing the Beard In the ĥadīth of Bukhārī, it is reported that RasūlAllāh ﷺ said: “Oppose the polytheists by trimming your moustaches and keeping ample beards.” In Şaĥīĥ Muslim, the ĥadīth is: “trim moustaches and spare the beards.” Keeping beards is undoubtedly a sunnah, and there are numerous ĥadīth that mention the ample beard of the Prophet ﷺ. When a clean-shaven Magian ...
Read MoreQahr al-Dayyān álā Murtadd bi-Qādiyān The Wrath of the Timeless: upon the Apostate in Qadian Mirzā Ghulām of Qādiyān, rose to prominence as a reformer, but soon his heresies came to the fore and he blasphemed against prophets and particularly, Sayyidunā Ýīsā (alayhi's salam) and his mother, Sayyidah Mariyam [Virgin Mary]. Mirza went on to claim prophethood for himself and a number of weak Muslims fell prey to his cult. Some Qādiyānī ...
Read MoreRadd ar-Rifđah Refutation of the Rafidis A Sunni sayyid lady passed away and her cousins, Rafiđīs of the slandering kind [tabarrāyī], staked a claim to her effects. Alahazrat explains that not only is transferring inheritance to a Rafiđī impermissible, but also that the Rafiđīs of our time are apostates. He lists their heresies and the rulings of scholars down the ages concerning Rāfiđīs. A comprehensive refutation of Rāfiđīs. No. of. Pages: 61 Order in ...
Read MoreŞayqal al-Rayn án Aĥkāmi Mujāwarah al-Ĥaramayn The Burnisher: On Adopting Domicile in Haramayn In response to a query as to whether it is permissible to migrate to Ĥaramayn, leaving behind parents and children in India. Instead of just a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, Alahazrat reminds the questioner of his priorities and the duty of children towards parents; in the end, he explains the Ĥanafī position that it is not permissible to voluntarily ...
Read MoreĤājiz al-Baĥrayn al-Wāqī án Jamýi al-Şalātayn The Barrier Between the Two Seas that Prevent Combining Two Prayers This is a comprehensive answer to a question as to whether it is permissible to combine two prayers at one time, if there is a valid excuse. Alahazrat explains the Ĥanafī position and proves it from the ĥadīth and practice of companions and tābiýīn. A two line question was accorded a 150 page answer which ...
Read MoreAl-Jawd al-Ĥuluw fī Arkān al-Wuđū’u The Sweet Downpour: On the Mandatory Constituents of Ablution This is a question asked by his student Mawlānā Żafaruddīn Bihārī, inquiring about the number of farđ and wājib in wuđū. Alahazrat explains the principles and classification of actions. Even though the original question is in Urdu, Alahazrat has given the fatwā mostly in Arabic because the questioner was also an accomplished scholar and his prominent student. This ...
Read MoreAl-Áţāyā al-Qadīr fī Ĥukm al-Taşwīr The Bounties of the All-Powerful: The Ruling about Creating Images of Living Things Making pictures of living things is forbidden in Islām; suspending images is also forbidden. This is a comprehensive fatwā on making and using images. Alahazrat did not permit images of living things and mentioned a number of ĥadīth that forbid images which includes portraits and photographs. This fatwā is mainly about (analog) photographs, which ...
Read MoreMaqāmiý al-Ĥadīd álā Khadd al-Manţiq al-Jadīd The Iron-fisted Punch in the Face of Novel Philosophies A self-styled scholar wrote Manţiq al-Jadīd, a collection of philosophical meanderings, in which he posits blatantly anti-Islamic arguments. Alahazrat refutes this book with both rational and revealed proofs, often refuting the philosopher using his own arguments, reminiscent of Imam al-Ghazzali. Alahazrat was only 32 when he wrote this in 1304 AH, and senior scholars such as ...
Read MoreAl-Zubdah al-Zakiyyah li Taĥrīmi Sujūd al-Taĥiyyah The Pure Cream: On the Prohibition of Prostration in Homage A certain shaykh permitted prostration [sajdah] in reverence and cited the case of angels prostrating to Sayyidunā Ādam (alayhi's salam) and other such examples in the Qur’ān as his proof. Alahazrat refuted this heresy and proved from various ĥadīth that it is impermissible. In fact, this work is an example of his superlative talent in derivation ...
Read MoreŞafāyiĥ al-Lujayn fi Kawn at-Taşāfuĥ bi Kaffay al-Yadayn Strata of Silver: On Greeting With Both Hands Among the many strange and literal interpretations of the anti-madh’hab sects is that they consider grasping both hands during a handshake as a bidáh and that it is not permissible. They claim that it contradicts the ĥadīth as the word yad or ‘one hand’ is mentioned in the ĥadīth. Alahazrat had planned to answer it in detail ...
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