Timeline of the Sunni-Deobandi Conflict

This is a condensed timeline of the conflict between Sunnis and Deobandis in the subcontinent. It is often falsely claimed that Alahazrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan is responsible for such a rift; whereas, these issues were present long before Alahazrat and sunni scholars refuted the grand-daddy of Wahabism in India, who is responsible for these ugly beliefs championed by Deobandis, such as Allah ta’ala being capable of lying and the ...

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Alahazrat’s Memory

Once, he borrowed Úqūd al-Durriyyah fī Tanqīĥ al-Fatāwā al-Ĥamidiyyah of Ibn Áābidīn from the muĥaddith, Mawlānā Waşīy Aĥmad Sūratī.[1] He read both volumes all through the night, until noon the next day and returned it. When Mawlānā Sūratī asked him in amazement: “Is one reading enough?” Alahazrat replied: “At least for the next two or three months, I will be able to cite the text [from anywhere in the book] ...

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Computational Skill

On another occasion, Shaykh Muĥammad Kichauchawī[1] who usually handled fatāwā related to inheritance, had to calculate the shares of fifteen branches (and their descendants) in the family tree. He took a whole day to compile his answer and came to Alahazrat for verification. The question was read out to Alahazrat that fifteen members of a line had all died leaving behind a number of descendants, whose names were read out. ...

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Process Optimisation

Once Mawlānā Amjad Álī and three others were handed a set of 29 letters [by Alahazrat]. These four scholars would read the letters aloud and Alahazrat dictated the answer and they would write down the answers. The queuing process was quite efficient: the first scholar would read the letter and Alahazrat would dictate a few lines and by the time the first scribe was busy writing, the second would read the ...

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Mawlana Nayimuddin Muradabadi

Şadr al-Afāđil Shaykh Sayyid Muĥammad Naýīmuddīn Murādābādī was born on the 21st of Şafar 1300 (1st January 1883) in Moradabad, in a family of scholars and notables. He was exceptionally intelligent and had an excellent memory. He memorised the Qur’ān at the age of eight and was then tutored by his father, Mawlānā Sayyid Muýīnuddīn ‘Nuzhat’, Mawlānā Shāh Abu’l Fađl Aĥmad and Állāmah Sayyid Muĥammad Gul Kabulī. He completed his ...

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Jumal an-Nūr

Jumal an-Nūr fi’n Nahyi’n Nisā’a án Ziyārati’l Qubūr Lustrous Lines on the Prohibition of Women Visiting Graves Alahazrat was asked about women visiting graves, the practice having been ruled permissible by Mawlānā Fađlu’r Rasūl in his Taş’ĥīĥu’l Masāyil and [Ibn Nujaym] in Baĥr ar-Rāyiq. Alahazrat responded to the query, saying: I prefer the contrary opinion and my fatwā was published in Tuĥfah e Ĥanafīyyah long ago. I considered it objectionable for women to ...

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