Thalath Rasayil
3 Rasayil on Rasm al-Ifta’a
Language: Arabic (translated from Urdu)
Pages: 544
Manzumah Salamiyyah
Alahazrat’s famous Salam translated into Arabic by Shaykh Hazim Muhammad Mahfouz
Language: Arabic
Pages: 165
Al-Amn wa'l Ula
Translated by Taju’sh Shariah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan
Language: Arabic
Pages: 246
Al-Amn wa'l Ula
Translated by Shaykh Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan
Dar Ahl al-Sunnah Karachi edition, 2018
Language: Arabic
Pages: 665
Al-Fadl al-Mawhibi
Translated by Shaykh Iftikhar Ahmad al-Qadiri
Language: Arabic
Pages: 55
Basatin al-Ghufran
Translation of Alahazrat’s Diwan
Hada’iq e Bakhshish
Language: Arabic (translated from Urdu/Persian)
Pages: 364
Hayatu'l Mawat fi Samaa al-Amwat
Translation in Arabic of a book by Alahazrat by the same name
Qawariy al-Qahhar
Translation into Arabic by Taj al-Shariah
A'ali al-Ifadah
Translated by: Dr. Muhammad Is’haq Rizwi
Language: Arabic (translated from Urdu)
Pages: 68
Ajlaa al-Iylam
Translated by: Mufti Aslam Raza
Pages: 60
Fatawa Mukhtara min al-Fatawa al-Ridawiyyah
Translated by: Group of Scholars in Madinatu’l Ilmiyyah
Pages: 137
Al-Harf al-Hasan fi'l Kitabati ala'l Kafan
Translated by: Mufti Shamsu’l Huda Rizwi
Pages: 37
Huqqatu'l Marjan li muhimmi Hukmi'd Dukhan
Translated by: Mufti Shamsu’l Huda Ridawi
Pages: 64
Ihlak al-Wahabiyyin ala Tawhini Qubur al-Muslimin
Translated by: Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan
Pages: 56
Qawariy al-Qahhar ala al-Mujassimati'l Fujjar
Translated by: Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan
Pages: 278
Al-Qadiyaniyyah: Al-Suu wa'l Iqab ala al-Masih al-Kadh'dhab
Translated by: Mawlana Jalal Raza and Mawlana Manzaru’l Islam
Pages: 119
Al Zubdatu'z Zakiyyah fi Tahrimi Sujud al-Tahiyyah
Translated by: Ustaz Sayid al-Azhari and Ustaz Akram al-Azhari
Pages: 165
Al Zubdah al-Zakiyyah fi Tahrimi Sujud al-Tahiyyah
Translated by: Mufti Shamsu’l Huda Misbahi
Pages: 128
Al-Haad al-Kaaf fi Hukm al-Di'aaf
Translated by: Taju’sh Shariah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan al-Azhari
Pages: 242
Al-Dawlatu'l Makkiyah
Urdu Translation: Hujjatu’l Islam Mawlana Hamid Rida Khan
Language: Urdu
Pages: 197
Al-Dawlatu'l Makkiyah
Urdu Translation: Hujjatu’l Islam Mawlana Hamid Rida Khan
Pages: 73
Al-Mutaqad with Al-Mustanad
Urdu Translation: Tajush Shariah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan
Pages: 352
Translations of Alahazrat’s works published by Ridawi Press are linked on this page. The download page and the bookshop page of two other translators are also linked below. Links have been added here for information and should not be construed as endorsement or promotion of authors or translators or their works.
The Preamble to Faith
Translation of Tamhid e Iyman
with explanatory footnotes
Language: English
Prospects for Recovery
Translation of Tadbir e Falah o Najat o Islah
with explanatory notes, historical background and an essay based on the book
Language: English
The Noble Bequests
Translation of Al-Wasaya
with explanatory notes and refutation of false charges by Devbandi liars such as Khalid Mahmud Kazzab
Language: English
Raza Academy South Africa
by Shaykh Abdul Hadi Qadiri
The shaykh has translated many works of Alahazrat and are available in print. Click on the button below for a complete list of his books (and contact number for purchase)
Imam Mustafa Raza Centre
Books translated by Shaykh Afthab Cassim Qadri Rizwi Noori
Available for download as PDFs. Please click on the button below for available titles.
The books in these sections are derived from Alahazrat’s works – such as the compilation of hadith found in Alahazrat’s fatawa, which was a response to the false allegation of Abu’l Hasan al-Nadawi and those who repeated his slander that Alahazrat’s had no standing in hadith. Similarly, some other works that were not compiled by Alahazrat as a book, but later scholars used his opinions and commentary and compiled them as a separate work.
3 Rasayil of Alahazrat
Safiyah al-Muhiyah
Sayqalu’r Rayn
Hadiya’l Ud’hiyah
Compiled by Shaykh Abdul Qayyum Hazarwi
Tabarrukat ke Aadab o Fazayil
Translation and Commentary:
Mawlana Mubarak Husayn Misbahi
Pages: 57
Talkhis e Fatawa Ridawiyyah
A bird’s eye-view of 30 volume FR
by: Mawlana Asad Qadri
Pages: 447
Talkhees Fatawa Ridawiyyah vols. 8-9-10
Mufti Muhammad Hashim Khan Attari Madani
Pages: 472
Some books of Alahazrat have received commentaries, some are produced as cross-referenced editions and some others have been ‘simplified’ (tas’heel) editions. Please help us improve this page by sending us suggestions of the books that you know of.